Tuesday, December 31, 2013

OMG this song!!!!! 2014 baby.. Here we come!!!!!

2013.. a reflection post

As I look back to 2013, what a year it has been. We welcomed baby John Carmine into this world which was an absolute gift from God. Seeing our beautiful daughter continue to grow into a little girl is also, a gift from God. You both are truly our everything!  Blessings. My wonderful husband, my rock, our rock,  who with many prayers, got what he calls "his dream MRI" job... enabling him to be home more with his children and me and work with a great team of people,  another gift from God. Our furry loves, yes they are a pain sometimes...TRUE.... but they are our 4 legged children. Our families, for continuing to stay healthy and happy... and our NY family for being able to come and visit, please COME MORE!!! For friends that are our family, you mean everything to us and we love you so so much. For my job, what a great year it has been.. yes teaching a new subject to many many more students, but it has been one of the best years I have ever had so far. Thank you God for my health and always being there for me when I need a pick me up and strength and giving our family all that we have and always watching over us. Good bye 2013 and hello 2014, I welcome you with open arms. New experiences, new possibilities, the creation of new memories and never taking anything for granted! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Gootzy's FIRST Christmas 2013! 37 weeks

Gia's first haircut on Christmas Day 2013!!

I want Gia's hair to get super long, but her hair was at the stage that she needed a little clean up trim and Auntie Blake a.k.a. Auntie Dake who is a stylist cut Gia's hair for the very first time. In the bottom pics Gia is trying to use a styling product... she is something... I saved a lock of her hair of course...

Christmas Night 2013 #2!