Look at that face...all I keep hearing is that this kiddo is going to be some lady killer!!
John is doing great.. eating like I have never seen. I am going to give him oatmeal 1 tablespoon every feeding now... He woke me at 3:30am for a bottle that he sucked dry!!! Our little growing baby boy!! He is scooting almost into a crawl already and grabs at everything now... and what a grip!! Totally found his voice too, hearing that is hysterical with all the little sounds!! We love it.. Gia constantly puts stuffed animals around her brother and helps me with his bottles... she is such a good little helper our sweet Jeej! At night, John and I do what I call "mirror." I put him cheek to cheek with me and we stare in the mirror, I wish I could capture a picture of this... he has the biggest smile and giggles, it is the best! Another funny thing is when he has a poo poo diaper, all he does is laugh when I change him!!! Oh, how mommy loves you!!! Onto almost 5 months!!! WE LOVE YOU our handsome boy!