Handsome boy as Gia calls her brother |
Baby John is getting around more and more it is hysterical.. my little Godzilla... Gia is the best big sister she is always trying to teach baby John something... It is the best seeing it happen... they are really starting to play more and more together.. Baby John is starting to say APPLE too which sounds so so cute... we got the Mama and Dada down.. haha... we have also heard something that sounds like Bella too. Gia always calls her brother "handsome boy" .. because she hears me call him that and she says "Mama, Baby John is a handsome boy." Gia also helps me all the time she collects the dog dishes when they are done eating so I can wash them and she cleans up after her father makes a mess cooking too.. what a girl our little Gigi.. oh our sweet babies we love you so!!