Gia decided to go to Minnie's Bowtique like this, purse, scarf , oh yes that is MY girl for sure! |
Love it! |
Sal put Gia to bed and they told stories. When Gia goes to bed she always tells us to"climb into bed" with her so we do and always tell stories... we start, she finishes.. priceless times |
My handsome Italian Stallion |
Loves to pose |
All boy that's for sure! |
Who's that in the background? haha |
These days are just flying by... Gia is such a sweet sweet girl so so loving and I will say it again never stops talking and the funny thing is, she has a Jersey accent which is hysterical... She is my little helper with everything and she is so so neat... what a doll!!! John Carmine is all BOY that is all I can say. All over the place, but again so so sweet, all he does is smile and laugh and talking more and more in his own little language and also GIA GIA .. so his first words are GIA and apple.. now slowly we start to hear others... soon will be his 18 month check and I can't wait to see how tall and how much he weighs.. my little "porko" solid as a rock and everyday that passes he looks more and more like his Dad... we are enjoying every minute and every second of every that the cooler weather is coming, it's outside time!!! Can't wait for all of us to do parking lot picnics, the zoo, wienie roasts, bike rides, walks, and all the fun things that this weather brings. Mommy and Daddy love you both more than words, our precious gifts from God.