Wednesday, September 16, 2015


RIO 2 Midnight Movie Mania.. Valentina joined this time LOL

My sweet mini me.. lipgloss and skull and crossbones of course

My 2 crazies 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Baby John sure loves the Wild Boar sandwich at Cabela's!

MMMmmm wild boar sandwich for lunch at Cabela's with his Dad

Baby John another new truck?!!! LOL, this baby boy loves his cars/trucks!! 

A trip to American Girl with Auntie Janis!

Wow.. what a day! The three of us had the best time going to American Girl... Gia picked out one that is called "Truly Me" which is the type of American Doll that resembles you the most.. skin color, eye color, and hair... Gia also picked out some outfits for VALENTINA MASTROPOLO!! Yes, that is her name and we even had to buy a special brush for her hair. Apparently, American Girl dolls have their own regime for taking good care of them. We will be going back to get more outfits as Gia is obsessed at this point haha. After, American Girl we had a great lunch at Grimaldi's and then home so Gia can show her Dad and baby John Valentina! What an amazing day.. thank you so so much my sweet friend Janis for everything... we love you and Gia will never forget this special day.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Weekly randoms

Amazing magical sunset

Trim time with Anthony!

Little one enjoys his food that's for sure!

With Auntie Andrea and Sara

My little nut!!!