Friday, May 27, 2011

A chocolate bar named after Gia!!

My mom and dad ordered these cute Hershey chocolate bars announcing Gia. They are the cutest ever, especially what is written on the back. Thanks Ma and Dad, you are the best and I love you. They are the perfect keepsake!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gia is 3 WEEKS OLD and a visit to Greenway!

I can't believe little one is 3 weeks already LOL and the actual due date for her is next Tuesday 5/31.. so crazy! She is doing great, eating like a champ and sleeping 2-3 hour increments. I am so in love with her I can stare at her all day with her little faces and sounds! She loves to fall asleep on her Daddy's chest, so contented doing that and so is Daddy Sal LOL!! We are having a blast with our baby girl.

I went into work today because the students and everyone else were asking to see Gia. It was so awesome to see everyone and the students had a special surprise for Gia, they all made her little baby books, with stories, counting numbers, and the alphabet. These we will treasure forever. My students just rock, there are no words for how special they are and the bond I share with them. I posted a picture of some of the books they made. Gia also got more presents today, wow! is this little one going to be fashionable with all her cute clothes, of course she is though I mean come on now... I am her mother LOL!! We are again, so blessed to have such wonderful and thoughtful people in our lives.

The photos posted is little one at 3 weeks!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gia and Presley meet!!!

Our girls finally meet! Melissa came over today and we had the best time catching up and watching our girls together. We both said this will be a weekly thing we will do, our girls are only 3 weeks apart! This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Gia and Presley and what a treat for Melissa and I to be able to share watching our girls grow together. We love you both xoxoxo!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gia's 2 week check up!!!

We just got back from Gia's 2 weeks check and everything is perfect. The little heart murmur the Dr. heard is gone, thank goodness!! Gia is 19.5 inches which stayed the same and she went from weighing 5.6 oz to 5.14 oz!! Way to go baby girl, you just keep eating.... Mommy does not care if she has no sleep! Our Dr. said she is doing just fine, ears, throat, and everything else checked is fine. Next appt. is in 6 weeks, that is her 2 month check and she will get some shots at that point. When the Dr. said shots I freaked inside, I know I will cry myself for that appt. I think Daddy Sal will be the one who handles that one more than me!! Cross that bridge when we get to it. I am just so happy Gia is doing so well and that little one put on weight!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you love bug!!

Baby Gia --- 2 WEEKS OLD!!

I can't believe it has been 2 weeks already! We have our 2 week Dr. appt. today to see how our little love is doing! We feel she for sure put on weight because she eats like crazy which is awesome. Her little face has gotten fuller too! Our little Gia is just precious and we are having the best time with her. I swear I just can sit and stare at her for hours!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gia is already over 1 week old!!!

Our little love is already 1 week old and we have already seen changes in her face getting rounder and fuller. She is doing so well, already gained back the weight she lost from leaving the hospital!! I am up at night every 2 hours feeding her, breastfeeding is not exactly working and I think it is because she had to be supplemented so quickly in the hospital with formula because of her weight and the fact that my milk did not come in yet, she got used to the bottle nipple. I was sad about it at first, but now whatever is meant to be will be and as long as she is healthy and growing that is all we care about. We are so enjoying Gia, her little noises and the faces she makes are hysterical. She looks like a little elf! Our love for her goes so beyond words.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Random home pics day 3-4

Hospital pictures!

Here are some shots taken at the hospital. Yes, crazy Sal had to get a picture of me with the P-51 Mustang hat on LOL! I was not thrilled at all! The man with the two thumbs up is my awesome Dr. -- Dr. Hu!!