Monday, May 9, 2011


On Wednesday May 4, 2011 our beautiful daughter Gia arrived at 6:58 pm! Weighing 5lbs 6 oz and is 19.5 inches long!

It all started Wednesday morning, I did not go to work, I just was not feeling good. I woke up around 8am and in bed I heard this "popping" sound almost when you unplug a drain LOL! I ran to the bathroom and sure enough it was my water. Sal and I drove to Banner Thunderbird and I was admitted. The day was so surreal, I was dilating on my own very fast and Gia was way low and ready to make her move! I was actually 37 weeks along and 2 days, so I was a week more than projected...I pushed for what it seemed a little over an hour and out came our sweet love with a FULL HEAD of black hair LOL!

We got home Friday night from the hospital and all is going well. Gia has some appetite and that is good because little one needs to put on some pounds here!! I wake every 2-3 hours, it really depends on when Gia is hungry, last night it was every 1.5 hours.

Daddy Sal is having a ball with his daughter! We could not be more happy, proud , and in absolute LOVE with Gia! We just sit and stare at her beautiful angel face and can't believe this is what we created together, it is the most unbelievable feeling of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Patti and Sal. I am so happy for both of you, Can't wait to meet your beautiful daughter.
