Friday, December 28, 2012

24 Week Belly Shot!

As 24 weeks comes to a close.. it has been a great week between the Christmas holiday, a great Dr appt., and being off to spend even more time at home! Things are good except again for my left hip, it gets very numb and hurts being that I sleep now only on my left. Nothing helps and it is ok, it is all worth it. John Carmine MOVES ALL THE TIME and boy does he kick strong. I love it sometime little flutters and sometimes big booming kicks and this is regardless of what I cravings again really just food....very different this time around, with Gia I wanted meat like some kind of animal and now it is food in general only when I am hungry and not really for sweets either... each pregnancy is different and that is the truth.. Well onto week 25!! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. dei piercing all'orecchio...
    Spesso si comincia con un piercing al lobo, se poi si continua diventa una vera dipendenza! E quelli che Oggi i piercing all'orecchio vengono fatti più frequentemente rispetto ai semplici piercing al lobo. In questa guida elencheremo tutti i nomi dei piercing all'orecchio. Non avrai più scuse per non conoscere le differenze!
    L'origine hanno tanti piercing lo sanno bene...
    Non sono mai abbastanza! Visita qui per saperne di più
