Tuesday, December 28, 2010

18 weeks!!!! A sweet potato!!

Wow so many changes this week!! Baby Mastropolo is about 5.5 inches long. Baby Mastropolo is becoming very mobile (not like me, lately LOL!) and is busy passing time by yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. I should be feeling some of that movement too!

But, with all this is coming some serious hip and lower back pain. I am sleeping on my left side which is recommended and it is really hurting my hip and I even have a special pregnancy body pillow! This is occurring due to my uterus shifting my center of gravity and hormones are causing my ligaments to relax and joints to loosen. Totally normal part of this process besides waking up every 3 hours to pee LOL!!

Also, our baby's nerves are now covered with a substance called myelin (which speeds messages from nerve cell to nerve cell), and the nerves are forming more complex connections. The nerves in Baby Mastropolo's brain are further specializing into the ones that serve the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. So, exciting!

1 week from today is my 2nd ultrasound AND we should be able to find out the gender!! The countdown begins!!! Weekly belly shot to come on Friday!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 and Mateo's 3rd Birthday!

The pictures are of the birthday boy Mateo, some baby presents from the NY Grandma for Baby Mastropolo, my parents getting in the holiday spirit, my new noodle pillow to help my lower back and hips that are hurting me when I sleep, and homemade dog treats I made for all the dogs in the Giordano/Mastropolo family... banana biscotti's. I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed holiday!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve! Weekly Belly shot 17 weeks!!

The first 2 photos are of our tree and Christmas stockings then comes my 17 week belly shot and some pictures of our 4 legged children!

The first is Bosco, he is our youngest (almost 2 yrs old) and a French Bulldog. Next, is Bella she is going to be 3 in March, she is our rescue and a Carolina dog. Next, is Little Igby Louis.. Little Igby is 6 years old and a chihuahua (mommy's little boy), and last is Sonny, he is 13 years old and a French Bulldog, he is the boss and also known as the old man. Merry Christmas Eve!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A baby chicken for the baby chicken!

Baby Mastropolo got the cutest gift today from Auntie Er-e... it is a baby chick(en) that has "Mommy loves me" printed on it. It is soooooo cute...I love it and I am sure our baby chicken Mastropolo will love it too, it even rattles!! Thank you so much Auntie Er-e!!! xoxo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

17 weeks!! A hand, an onion???

Baby Mastropolo is over 5 inches and weighs about 3.5 oz! I read it is about the size of your open hand... how exciting!! A little body fat is beginning to grow which is different from last week. Our baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone and the umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger.

Baby Mastropolo can hear loud noises like the doorbell and dogs barking... the baby will be so used to dogs after listening to our 4 crazy pups! In fact, I read that the baby will be so used to those noises, especially the dogs, that it will sleep right through the noises... hopefully :)

Baby Mastropolo's eye's are still sealed but can detect a glimmer of light now and finally the eyes have moved to the front of our baby's head.. bye bye little amphibian! Baby Mastropolo is also developing the sucking and swallowing skills needed for feeding when born.

Another magical thing that is occurring is in the next week or so, the pads on our baby's fingertips and toes will develop individual swirls and creases... fingertips!! One of a kind!

I should start feeling those little flutters of our baby moving. My sister in law Michele told me to really pay attention to when I am sitting and not moving as I may feel something. I can't wait for that!!

Countdown... less than 2 weeks to find out the gender!! Will it be a baby girl Mastropolo or baby boy Mastropolo?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Weekly Belly shot! 16 weeks 4 days!

Here is this weeks "Weekly Belly" shot at 16 weeks and 4 days! I feel my belly has gotten rounder and a little more softness in the hip area. All is well!!!

1st Baby Einstein present!

My wonderful classroom aid--Bev-- whom I refer to as another Mom #??-- LOL, got this for Baby Mastropolo. It is the cutest thing to hang in the crib. It is called a Baby Neptune Soother. It lights up and plays soothing music when Baby Mastropolo is drifting off to sleep. I can't wait to set it up in the crib!!

A special gift for Baby Mastropolo

A past student of mine made this painting for me. She is currently a senior at Paradise Valley High School. We have kept in touch since she has left Greenway about two to three times every week! She is so very special to me and just the fact that she made this painting for Baby Mastropolo brought me to tears. I can't wait to frame it and hang it up in the nursery. It is a keepsake that I will have forever and a story I will be able to tell Baby Mastropolo one day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Well, tonight all of a sudden things got very weird. I have written before how I crave MEAT all the time and that still holds true. But, tonight for some weirdo reason I craved....

I mean seriously???

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Avocado Baby!! 16 weeks!

Baby Mastropolo can most likely hear our voices this week! Time to start playing some classical music.. bring on the Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach! Baby Mastropolo's backbone is getting stronger and so are the back muscles. From crown to rump Baby Mastropolo is between 4 and 5 inches and about 3 ounces!

Our little one has no baby fat yet and the baby's skin is very translucent. Baby Mastropolo has little eyelashes and eyebrows already too!

As for mommy to be, I have been experiencing the normal nasal congestion and some minor nosebleeds. This is due to the high levels of estrogen and progesterone which can increase blood flow to all of my body's mucous membranes, including the nose, making them to swell and soften.

Oh, another thing!! It is time for some of the first fetal movements... it is called quickening. The word reminds me of a cake, like quickening dough or batter LOL!! Looking forward to that!! Not sure what it will feel like but I will post when I feel something going on.

Monday, December 13, 2010

My 3rd OB appt. today!

Just got home from my 3rd OB appt. and everything is "A" ok!! Baby Mastropolo's heartbeat is nice and strong at 155 bpm. My blood pressure and weight are perfect too. My Dr. also took blood to do the all the chromosome testing at this point.

The BIG appt. is on Monday January 3rd. This appointment will be my 2nd ultrasound and will measure Baby Mastropolo's head and body measurements. This is the time we will also find out the GENDER!!!! We are so excited!!!! I am feeling great and I am onto week 16!! I know I keep saying this but, I can't believe it is 4 months already WOW!!! Time to barricade the bed with pillows and adjust my sleeping positions to side only!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Weekly Belly shot 15 weeks 5 days!!

Yes, my belly is getting bigger by the week! I have my 3rd OB appt on Monday!! Time is going by so fast it is hard to believe next week I will be 4 months pregnant already...

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Oh my!!! I could not believe what happened today at school. Two of my students brought me Pink Snowballs snack cakes. I can't remember if I ever expressed how much I love them because I seriously have what is called pregnancy brain at this point! I am sure I did say something relative because these snack treats are really not among the norm. Needless to say, I was shocked and so so happy. As I have said before in a previous post, I am so blessed to have such sweet and caring students. They really rock!! Belly shot coming tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

YAY!!! 15 weeks is here!!!!

Baby Mastropolo is the size of a large naval orange about 4.5 inches!!! Our baby's legs now out-measure the arms and all limbs are functional. Baby Mastropolo is squirming and wiggling like a little worm. I can't feel anything yet, but very soon!!! Each passing week, Baby Mastropolo is looking more and more like the baby and less like our little alien! The ears are positioned properly on the sides of the head and the eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front of the face. All good things!! Sal loves to rub my belly which is getting bigger by the week and he has been canvasing online sites for the best deals on diapers and wipes already! I love you honey...way to be prepared! Weekly belly shot coming soon...

Friday, December 3, 2010

For you Tami!!

This one is special for you Tami!! The weekly bump shot 14 weeks as requested!! xoxoxoxox love you!!

MMM cake.. baby chicken cake????

My friend Dawn sent this picture to me because everyone knows that I call my little nephew Mateo, my chicken since he was born. So, now... the saying is.. "You are having your own little chicken!" Yes, our very own baby chicken... yes it is crazy term but it has stuck!!! My students even ask how my baby chicken is!!!!! I told my mom at some point I need to have one of these cakes when we find out the gender in January!!!

Melissa and me!!

This is an updated photo of my friend Melissa and me with our signs.. we took a picture together awhile back in the blog as well.. boy have we grown!! Melissa just felt her daughter Presley's first kick last night YAY!!! So exciting!!! Melissa is 21 weeks 4 days and I am 14 weeks 4 days! Exactly 7 weeks behind, it is so nice to hear from her what I have to look forward too as well. Thank you girl!! xo

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Lemon? A Monkey?? Baby Bigfoot???

Into week 14 here and people are really noticing the bump :) Baby Mastropolo is the size of a lemon. I bought my first pair of maternity jeans!! They are really cute...nothing matronly, Lord knows that is so not me! LOL!!

So, Baby Mastropolo is toe wiggling and thumb sucking already!! Baby Mastropolo is making urine, and breathing amniotic fluid!! The liver, kidneys, and spleen are also developing. Baby Mastropolo's neck is getting longer allowing little one to sit up more straight. Our little monkey... baby bigfoot... has Lanugo (thin, downy hair) that is growing all over their little body to keep them snuggly and warm.

With all this wondrous events also comes round ligament pain which occurs from the uterus growing and expanding. I have been experiencing this at times and just have to take it easy. Feeling the normal amount of tiredness... otherwise enjoying every moment, especially seeing myself grow!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving!

Had such a wonderful Thanksgiving and my favorite part was when we all went around the table and said what we are thankful for. So much to reflect upon and be so thankful for!!! My Mom and Dad both said they are thankful for Baby Mastropolo on it's way... When more family came for dessert all I heard was " You are finally showing, look at that cute little bump!" My reply was, "Doesn't feel very little LOL." Then I heard, "Oh, you just wait!!" It is true, from one day to the next I feel I am growing much faster now in my belly than ever before, it is so crazy , but so awesome! Lately, though, I have been getting lower back pain. Heat feels really good on it, so I will continue that regime. Week 14 is steadily approaching!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Everything is PEACHY!!! Here we go week 13!!!

Second trimester has "officially arrived"!!! YAY!!! This is what is called the "Honeymoon trimester!" Baby Mastropolo is the size of a large peach this week! Our baby's head is catching up in proportion to the rest of the little body, looking less like an alien!! Baby Mastropolo's intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to our baby's tummy and is forming teeth and vocal cords! Way to go to our little wonder!! As for mommy and daddy to be, we are feeling awesome. Sal loves to say, "I want to feed my baby some (whatever we are eating)..." it is the cutest thing, not to mention he loves to rub the "belly" which we also call a "bonzee or bonzette" crazy Italian family slang LOL! I feel I am growing by the day, it truly is such a blessed feeling.

Friday, November 19, 2010

TGIF and hello belly!

I am so glad it is Friday. What a great, but exhausting week!!! I took a new picture today of my belly. It is funny my students have been saying,"Mrs. M you do not look pregnant!" Then today all of a sudden there was "Ummm, Mrs. M umm yea I can see your little belly now." From one day to the next it is so funny how things change, especially with my body. It is absolutely glorious, and I LOVE it!

The bets have also started whether I am going to have a boy or a girl. Starbursts are at stake with my students!!!! We will not know the gender until January with my next Ultrasound and that is fine with us, we do not want to rush any of this amazing process!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Onto Week 12... 3 months already!!!??? Time is a flying by...

YAY!!! Second trimester! I am in what is called the "maintenance phase" for Baby Mastropolo. The organs get to work and the baby's systems continue to mature. Baby Mastropolo is about 2.5 inches, about the size of a large plum and weighs about a 1/2 ounce.

The fetal digestive system is beginning to flex its digestive muscle as it starts practicing contraction movements. The pituitary gland at the base of the brain has started producing hormones, and the bone marrow is making white blood cells. WOW!!! Baby Mastropolo is working hard!! LOL I get more and more excited each day!! I do have to be careful to not get up so quickly all the time, as I am so used to racing around like a nut!! The reason is that my growing uterus may put pressure on my blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to my brain. So, basically I need to SLOW IT DOWN!!!

This is the most amazing experience for Sal and I. We are absolutely enjoying every single minute.

Monday, November 15, 2010

2nd OB appt!

Today, was my second OB appt and everything has been going great my Dr. said. I heard the heartbeat again today, very strong 164 bpm! YAY!!! I will not get another ultrasound until January and at that time we will find out the GENDER of Baby Mastropolo!! I can't wait for that! The Dr.did tell me no more bike riding so...looks like just the treadmill and walking for my lower body, whatever is best for Baby M. ! I gained some weight which the Dr. was happy about as well! I feel wonderful as I enter into my 2nd trimester!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Mastropolo's first blankie, dish, and flatware set!!

My mother in law "Mom M" sent me the most beautiful handmade crochet blanket (blankie) for her "AZ baby", it is soooooo soft!! It is perfect!! My dear Tami had sent us our first baby dish and 3 piece flatware set. There is zoom zoom around the edge of the plate and the neck of the flatware (with little airplanes). Thank you so so much Mom M and Tami, we love you! xo

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Mastropolo is now 2+ inches. YAY!!!!

This picture makes the 2 + inches look bigger LOL, but it really is measured at 2 + inches!! Baby Mastropolo is about the size of a lime!