Monday, February 28, 2011


OMG !! OMG!!! OMG!!!! Well, I have written previously about how I am craving grapefruit lately and eat about 2 a day. One of my students brought me in a huge bag that he picked when he worked with his dad this weekend. The other bag was from sweet Melissa who you have seen in our previous belly shot postings together. She went to a Farmer's Market this weekend and remembered my craving! Melissa you are so awesome, thank you for thinking of me... us preggo mommy's to be... don't have much longer now before our gifts from God, Presley and Gia enter the world. xoxo

NURSERY UPDATE: The room has been painted, it looks soooooo pretty and serene it is a beautiful shade of like a celery green, I also received the letters I ordered G-I-A, bought the curtains, and a chandelier floral mobile -upcoming - the vintage fairy pictures.. LOL among other things!!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Death by Chocolate!

OMG!! My co-worker Mary Jo strikes again!! What an incredible baker! Death by Chocolate , these most scrumptious and succulent treats are called. Yes, I will share with Sal, I promise LOL!! Mary Jo, as I said before you are the best and so so thoughtful. Gia is getting so spoiled and so are her mom and dad! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grazie! Grazie!!

Look at these little towels!! They have little baby chicks on them. Dawn you are the best, you know I love you and you know I know why you got these because I am having my own very "Baby Chicken" LOL!!! I adore these towels!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo

This morning I also received from Bev and Mina chocolate filled Twinkies and grapefruit. Bev knows I love Twinkies and have my very own method to eat them LOL, but to find chocolate filled ones? LOL, they are limited edition she said.... so I better make them last... Mina knows I have been CRAVING pink grapefruit like it is going out of style, so she brought in a bunch for me which is so awesome! I actually have grapefruit on my shopping list this week because I eat like 2 a day, now I can scratch that off the list!! LOL. Thank you so much Bev and Mina.. you are so so thoughtful and certainly keeping baby Gia very contented!! Big Hugs!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I thought this was so cute and easy to whip out when it is feeding time.. I just got my new Udder Cover today!! LOL!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

YUMMY treats again!

My wonderful coworker Mary Jo made me homemade chocolate chip cookies with an oreo middle!.. Well 2 for me and "1 for Sal" if me and baby Gia don't eat it first LOL!! I mean OMG, they are delicious and I am sure Gia will totally agree! Again, Mary Jo you are the best and I know I have said this before to you, but you are the best baker!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

26 weeks!! Out of triple digits until due date and Gia is still an eggplant!!!

Baby Gia's progress this week:
  • Eyelashes. These begin to grow as your baby begins to blink and open her eyes. I was told to shine a flashlight to my belly to see if Gia will kick in respond to the light. Gia may also be able to respond to certain sounds!!
  • More hair. Hair continues to grow on her head.
  • Spine. To support her growing body, your baby's spine is getting stronger and more flexible.
  • Plumping up. Although she hasn't put on much fat, she is beginning to look a little plumper. Gia weighs a little more than a full 2 pounds and is a little more than 9+ inches at this point.
Mamma Patti's progress this week:

  • Weight gain. You've probably gained from 16 to 20 pounds by now, which includes your baby's weight, plus the weight of the placenta, enlarged uterus and breasts, amniotic fluid and additional blood volume. There is also typical fat storage in mom's body (largely during the second trimester) that averages 4 to 7 pounds. LOL, right on track with this one!
  • Additional isolated pain. As the uterus enlarges and your baby gets bigger, you may notice more back pain, pelvic pressure, leg cramps, and headaches. Be sure to report any pains that even remotely feel like contractions to your doctor. Preterm labor (beginning before the baby is fully developed) is much easier to stop in the early stages. Some headaches, lower back pain, and hip pain.
  • Your baby's moving around. By now you can probably feel your baby moving every day, although not all babies are equally active. If you become concerned during those moments when you can't feel your baby move, try lying on your left side and being still. It's usually easier to feel fetal movement in that position. Gia certainly is moving around all day long!! Our little love, nothing is better than that!
I am two-thirds of the way through my pregnancy my uterus is about two and a half inches above your belly button. My belly button is still considered an "innie" but I do not think it is going to stay that way for long. LOL! Another thing that "may" begin at this time are Braxton Hicks contractions, it is the tightening and relaxing of my uterus... practicing for the real labor LOL! Pregnancy brain has kicked in full force, I seriously think I am the biggest airhead walking LOL!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


One of our favorite shows is "Cupcake Wars." One of the bakers on the show has a cupcake shop in Glendale called Sugar Daddy's and even though I have not had any real cravings for sweets , we decided to at least check it out and try some. I have to say that Sprinkles Cupcakes still takes the cake beating these out from Sugar Daddy's. These cupcakes were just way too sweet and the icing was not creamy enough...but it was still fun trying out a different shop's gourmet style cupcakes!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3 soon to be mommies!!

Here is a picture taken last week of Kelli (Sandra's daughter) due the beginning of April, Melissa due middle of April, and me due end of May! All different size bumps and we are all having baby girls. Kelli is having baby Ava, Melissa is having baby Presley, and I am having Baby Gia!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I said to Daddy Sal this is our last year with just us and our pack of dogs LOL! Next year we will have little baby Gia with us. Gia is one lucky little one to have a Daddy like Sal. We were talking this weekend at how amazing it is going to be to see that little face that we created look up at us, we just can't imagine. Honey, I love you so so much! You are my best friend.. my everything. Thank you for all you do, I am truly blessed to have you as a husband.

WEEK 25! Gia the eggplant LOL!!

Gia is about the size of an eggplant this week! Our little love can make a fist and touch and hold her feet. It is said in my reading that Gia has a regular sleep schedule. Meaning, she has active and inactive periods. Boy, when Gia kicks and moves now.. I can really really feel it. I LOVE IT! Gia's little nostrils have opened as well. Under Gia's skin, capillaries are forming and filling with blood and by week's end, air sacs (also lined with capillaries) will develop in her little lungs, getting them ready for that first breath. Gia's lungs are developing surfactant, a substance that will help them expand after birth.

My sleeping has gotten better, finally figured out the pillow situation! It is more difficult to bend down now. Honestly, I can't help but laugh when I look in the mirror, in a good way, at how my body has transformed! It is absolutely glorious! I read that if Daddy Sal puts his head on my belly he will be able to hear Gia's heartbeat, that is a must do! I seriously can't believe I have 15 weeks left of this pregnancy ...where is the time going? Technically with a 40 week pregnancy I am officially in my 3rd trimester this week OMG!!! Hello! So much yet to do... especially with Gia's nursery. We picked the paint color which is a start LOL! All in due time, it is all a fun process! Off and running (well not really running) into week 25!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today it was raining treats for Gia and I at school LOL! I came in this morning and found a delicious cookie on my desk one of my students made me, Swedish Fish which is my favorite candy in the whole world from another student, and BROWNIES from one of the best bakers (love all her treats) Mary Jo who is a co-worker!! I can't .. we can't.... say thank you enough!! YUMMY YUMMY treats!! So blessed to have all this thoughtfulness and love!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Melissa and I !! BELLY SHOTS!!!

Melissa and I did our monthly belly shot today!! I can't believe Melissa is 31 weeks.. not many more days to go for your girl!! Melissa looks as beautiful as ever!! We are 7 weeks apart exactly!

We always say how great it is to be able to share info with each other being we are not far apart in giving birth... and talk about how my little Gia and her little Presley will get to meet this summer and have future playtime together!! YAY!!

Great OB appt today!! OB appt. #5

Had a really good OB appt. today. My Dr. said all my numbers look great, blood pressure, weight etc. We listened to Gia's nice strong heartbeat too. My next appt. which is in 4 weeks is a big one... another 3D/4D ultrasound, glucose test for gestational diabetes and my regular OB appt. all in one day! Sal and I were told today that the upcoming ultrasound will be significantly different than the one we had at 19 weeks when we found out we were having baby girl Gia. This upcoming one we were told, will be up close and personal with Gia's face!!! We can't wait for that!!!! We also received a maternity packet of info from Banner I need to read. All the info on a tour of the hospital, various classes, and paperwork for when Gia is born etc. So crazy how fast everything is moving LOL!! So far so good. Taking things day by day and I am feeling great!

WEEK 24!!! 6 months already??

Well, we are still in papaya stage! Gia is a little more than a pound at this point. She can gain up to 6 oz a week. Much of Gia's weight comes from accumulating baby fat, as well as from growing organs, bones, and muscle. Gia's face is almost fully formed with eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair, although it is still all bright white due to the lack of pigment.

Red itchy palms and numbness in the hands are all things that can come with week 24. I actually have had numbness in my hands and wondered what it was and now I know. My belly button is gently being pushed more and more out, but can't say I am a full fledge outie yet LOL! Sleeping varies nightly because of the hip pain issue. Gia loves when music is being played, she always is moving to the music. I love to see her little kicks. Gia can also hear all of our crazy pack of dogs!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

One of a kind original paintings for Gia's nursery!

Nassar Bashiri is an extremely talented painter here in AZ. His work definitely moved me when I saw it. I was especially taken by these 2 paintings. The simplicity and vibrant colors really grabbed me. Nassar was so kind to give me these paintings for Gia's nursery. They will look perfect! I will hang them with much pride and adoration. To also go with the vintage magical fairy garden theme, I asked Nassar if he could paint a tree on one of the walls and he said YES! Thank you so much Nassar! If anyone is interested in seeing any of his other work or commission him to paint one of his works of art on your walls, please let me know.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A gift to Daddy Sal from Aunt C!

I know Sal is going to melt when he sees this! Thank you so much Aunt C... you for sure will put some smile on Daddy Sal's face!! I can't imagine how cute baby Gia will look in it with Sal holding her! You are the best, we love you! xoxoxo