Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy Happy New Year 2018!!

Goodbye 2017 and onto 2018... health, happiness, and wishes to come true! We have quite a year in store for us for 2018... many many new endeavors and new beginnings ... this will be a magical year!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Barbie and Ever After High friends



Don't we all look like this when we cook  LOL

Having a picnic... and smores by the fire

Laying out

This is a swimming pool that really holds water... LOL

On the bowl LOL

In the shower

I just about died when I walked in and saw this whole thing on the floor... the detail and poses and little story Gia had with her whole Barbie camper set up was just awesome... and I have to say these dolls are super stylish and I love the clothes, hair, and platforms LOL... next is putting together the "dream house" and John's 2 race tracks and 50+ matchbox cars.. we are getting there... LOL

Baking chocolate chip cookies and....

We made the most delicious chocolate chip cookies... 3 different kinds... coconut, pecan, and regular.. the 3 of us always have a blast baking and my 2 little dolls are such a big help... then I turn around and see John cleaning the floor in his own way... on his own.. my boy.. while Gigi was keeping the time on the cookies.. LOL

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas 2017! Tons of Pics...

Note from Santa!

and the car and the Dream House... Barbie overload!! 

Cars.. cars and more cars and tracks and more tracks! 

Porg time... All.Day.Long...