Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Lemon? A Monkey?? Baby Bigfoot???

Into week 14 here and people are really noticing the bump :) Baby Mastropolo is the size of a lemon. I bought my first pair of maternity jeans!! They are really cute...nothing matronly, Lord knows that is so not me! LOL!!

So, Baby Mastropolo is toe wiggling and thumb sucking already!! Baby Mastropolo is making urine, and breathing amniotic fluid!! The liver, kidneys, and spleen are also developing. Baby Mastropolo's neck is getting longer allowing little one to sit up more straight. Our little monkey... baby bigfoot... has Lanugo (thin, downy hair) that is growing all over their little body to keep them snuggly and warm.

With all this wondrous events also comes round ligament pain which occurs from the uterus growing and expanding. I have been experiencing this at times and just have to take it easy. Feeling the normal amount of tiredness... otherwise enjoying every moment, especially seeing myself grow!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving!

Had such a wonderful Thanksgiving and my favorite part was when we all went around the table and said what we are thankful for. So much to reflect upon and be so thankful for!!! My Mom and Dad both said they are thankful for Baby Mastropolo on it's way... When more family came for dessert all I heard was " You are finally showing, look at that cute little bump!" My reply was, "Doesn't feel very little LOL." Then I heard, "Oh, you just wait!!" It is true, from one day to the next I feel I am growing much faster now in my belly than ever before, it is so crazy , but so awesome! Lately, though, I have been getting lower back pain. Heat feels really good on it, so I will continue that regime. Week 14 is steadily approaching!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Everything is PEACHY!!! Here we go week 13!!!

Second trimester has "officially arrived"!!! YAY!!! This is what is called the "Honeymoon trimester!" Baby Mastropolo is the size of a large peach this week! Our baby's head is catching up in proportion to the rest of the little body, looking less like an alien!! Baby Mastropolo's intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to our baby's tummy and is forming teeth and vocal cords! Way to go to our little wonder!! As for mommy and daddy to be, we are feeling awesome. Sal loves to say, "I want to feed my baby some (whatever we are eating)..." it is the cutest thing, not to mention he loves to rub the "belly" which we also call a "bonzee or bonzette" crazy Italian family slang LOL! I feel I am growing by the day, it truly is such a blessed feeling.

Friday, November 19, 2010

TGIF and hello belly!

I am so glad it is Friday. What a great, but exhausting week!!! I took a new picture today of my belly. It is funny my students have been saying,"Mrs. M you do not look pregnant!" Then today all of a sudden there was "Ummm, Mrs. M umm yea I can see your little belly now." From one day to the next it is so funny how things change, especially with my body. It is absolutely glorious, and I LOVE it!

The bets have also started whether I am going to have a boy or a girl. Starbursts are at stake with my students!!!! We will not know the gender until January with my next Ultrasound and that is fine with us, we do not want to rush any of this amazing process!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Onto Week 12... 3 months already!!!??? Time is a flying by...

YAY!!! Second trimester! I am in what is called the "maintenance phase" for Baby Mastropolo. The organs get to work and the baby's systems continue to mature. Baby Mastropolo is about 2.5 inches, about the size of a large plum and weighs about a 1/2 ounce.

The fetal digestive system is beginning to flex its digestive muscle as it starts practicing contraction movements. The pituitary gland at the base of the brain has started producing hormones, and the bone marrow is making white blood cells. WOW!!! Baby Mastropolo is working hard!! LOL I get more and more excited each day!! I do have to be careful to not get up so quickly all the time, as I am so used to racing around like a nut!! The reason is that my growing uterus may put pressure on my blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to my brain. So, basically I need to SLOW IT DOWN!!!

This is the most amazing experience for Sal and I. We are absolutely enjoying every single minute.

Monday, November 15, 2010

2nd OB appt!

Today, was my second OB appt and everything has been going great my Dr. said. I heard the heartbeat again today, very strong 164 bpm! YAY!!! I will not get another ultrasound until January and at that time we will find out the GENDER of Baby Mastropolo!! I can't wait for that! The Dr.did tell me no more bike riding so...looks like just the treadmill and walking for my lower body, whatever is best for Baby M. ! I gained some weight which the Dr. was happy about as well! I feel wonderful as I enter into my 2nd trimester!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Mastropolo's first blankie, dish, and flatware set!!

My mother in law "Mom M" sent me the most beautiful handmade crochet blanket (blankie) for her "AZ baby", it is soooooo soft!! It is perfect!! My dear Tami had sent us our first baby dish and 3 piece flatware set. There is zoom zoom around the edge of the plate and the neck of the flatware (with little airplanes). Thank you so so much Mom M and Tami, we love you! xo

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Mastropolo is now 2+ inches. YAY!!!!

This picture makes the 2 + inches look bigger LOL, but it really is measured at 2 + inches!! Baby Mastropolo is about the size of a lime!

We are off and running into Week 11!!

Well, not literally off and running...LOL!! This week Baby Mastropolo is a bit over 2 inches long!!!! The head is larger than the rest of the body...my baby ALIEN!!! Hair follicles are forming and fingernail and toenail beds are starting to form as well. Some poses baby Mastropolo can perform now are stretches, somersaults, and forward rolls. WOW!!!! We can't tell the gender yet, but if it is a baby boy the testes are developing if it's a baby girl the ovaries are. Hmmm, I wonder?? I wonder?? Have a bit to wait on that answer LOL!!!

It is official time to eat for two! Well, that does not mean to pack it in like every meal is the last, a healthy amount more to eat is 300-500 calories. I think I can handle that LOL!! So, far the craving has been for RED MEAT!!!!! My husband Sal tells me I am no longer in charge (he secretly loves that LOL), what he means is when I get a craving or wanting for a certain food, not to suppress it because that is what the baby wants. I love you honey, you are the best!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend and am I turning into a vampire???

Coming up on week 11 here and lately I have been CRAVING meat like some kind of animal!! LOL!! Sal and I went to Five Guys Burger and Fries. OMG, so good and I am not a burger eater or really a red meat eater, but right now you can't keep me away from MEAT!! LOL! We all had a great weekend, my little surrogate brother Paulie D got married to the beautiful Jinny and it was so wonderful to spend time with great family and friends. More to come on upcoming week 11 with Baby Mastropolo.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My first pregnant purchase!

So, lately with the growing belly my pants fit everywhere else, but starting to get a tad uncomfortable in the belly area. Before I get super uncomfortable I decided to purchase a belly band from Diapers.com. The belly band is a God send!! Basically, it is a piece of material that can double as part of your wardrobe that can hide a button unbuttoned! The package reads,"Just fold your waistband under your belly and cover with the belly band." Genius!! Sounds great to me!! I was unsure about the size so I enlisted the advice from my friend Dawn and a size 1 it is! Thank you Dawn xo! I am prepared for now when I need to employ the use of my belly band! Oh, the changes, the changes and when I say this.. "I hear from my friends and family,"Oh, you just wait!" LOL!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My little prune!!

This week Baby Mastropolo is the size of a prune, less shriveled!! The bones and cartilage are forming and little dents for knees and ankles on the legs are forming!! The arms are taking shape and can already do a little flexing and are developing more everyday!! Also, Baby Mastropolo is forming teeth under the gums. The stomach has digestive juices moving, kidneys are producing more urine and (here is the big one) if Baby Mastropolo is a boy.... testosterone is already being produced!!! WOO HOO, great start to week 10...!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

OH MY!!!

There has been such a change in my body from week 9 to week 10. I have "popped out" a bit. I usually have a flat stomach, so to me... this is very noticeable. More to come on week 10...

My Mommy buddy!!! Greenway Middle School is raining mom's to be!!

My colleague and friend Melissa took these pictures last week! This is her first pregnancy as well and thank God I have her to talk to about all these changes!! Last May, Melissa and I talked about each of our plans to start a family. When we got back to school in August, she shared her wonderful news with me. When I told her when I was... she replied "I knew it, I could tell!" Well, dear Melissa you were oh so right!! We are so excited to share our new experiences with one another. It is a great feeling to have this support system as we ride this wave together! Melissa... xoxo!!

Halloween Weekend!

This past weekend was so fun!! Saturday night my family celebrated my Dad's birthday and on Halloween we all went down to my brother's house to "trick or treat" with our gorgeous nephew Mateo who happened to be Scooby Doo. I do not have pictures of him though, it was quite the challenge for little Mateo to get in costume, but he did get LOADS of candy!! It was a wonderful weekend!