Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween presents and Dad's birthday dinner at Uncle Michael's/Aunt Monica's

Hmm what's in the bag?

Should I look Mommy?


Look at my new Halloween PJ's from Aunt Gina and Uncle Jeff

Daddy Sal put his hat on Gia

My new outfit from Aunt Gina and Uncle Jeff

Gigi, you have a firm grip on your bag there!

Daddy Sal bought this Cabela's pink camo sweatshirt for his Jeej

The Godparents!! Aunt Gina and Uncle Jeff

Grandma and Grandpa's Halloween basket for Gia

Mateo, Grandma, and Gia

The Jeej!

Dad, Jeff, Gina

Grandma and her Gigi Mas...

Grandma, Gia, Aunt Gina

Sal and Jeff

Uncle Jeff and his Gia girl

Grandpa and Gia

Mateo in his homemade robot outfit

Grandpa and his Gia

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Gia is 25 weeks!!!

Hi Mommy!

I can touch my foot!

 I can touch both feet at once!

Our love!

Ma, I am trying to eat here!

Wait!! What did you say Mommy!?

Gia Bella!

Our girl!

Yes, love! You smile for Mommy and Daddy!

Yes, Daddy's girl...

My feetsies!!

This is a big week for Gia, she is getting baptized and we are all so super  excited!!  Her Godparents.. Gina and Jeff are due in early tomorrow for the big day Sunday! My mom and I have been shopping and preparing away for Gia's big day! Her Christening dress and shoes are just adorable and very traditional which is just what Daddy Sal and I wanted for her. Gia continues to really grab at things now and reach put and grab what you hold in front of her. We also continue to see her strength. Her giggles and smiles just melt our hearts everyday. I do not think we could love her more, there are just NO WORDS! I always say that,  the feeling she gives us can't be out into words. Grandpa put together the exersaucer which we can't wait to see her in LOL!! Gia continues to drool as teething is on the horizon... Her naps consist of just little cat naps throughout the day  45 minutes here.. an hour there.. etc. Gia goes to bed now between 7:15-7:30 pm and is fully down usually by 8pm. The cool weather is finally here, well we are out of the 100 degree days and are seeing more low 90's and even more 80's so time for warmer clothes baby girl and those cute jeans and jackets!! I can't wait to get her out more in the stroller and baby bjorn too now that it is getting cooler at least she can enjoy early afternoon walks now when I get home instead of late day and hotter ones.  All I heard this week as well from like 6 different people is how much Gia looks like Daddy Sal. YES.. I KNOW... I KNOW!!! Daddy Sal just relishes the comments ... and I love it too, but as I always say she has my mouth/lips. Sal then, will proceed to say, she is 95 % him and 5 % me , thanks my love!  LOL!! Gia LOVES her oatmeal and is up to about 3 tablespoons a day morning, lunch, and dinner.  Her 6 month appt. is coming so that means here comes real food baby girl!! Oh boy!!! We LOVE LOVE LOVE you pumpkin!!!!!! xoxooxxo 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our little Gia girl!!

What a look!!!!

Our little surfer girl!

Gia's Godparents got some cute ROXY stuff for her awhile back and she can finally fit into it!! Sal and I can't wait to see Gina and Jeff, so excited for them to be Gia's Godparents officially at the ceremony this coming Sunday! Everything else is going well. Sal surprised me with a gift card for a massage!!! I have never gotten a massage before and I mentioned how I have been tired.. wonder why? LOL! So, he surprised me with a massage. Thank you so much honey, you are the best and so so thoughtful and I love you very very much my love! xoxoxoxoxo