Wednesday, September 28, 2011

SO TRUE!!! Gia's onesie!!

Jeej, you look like you see a ghost LOL!!
How many rolls can you count on Gia's arms? LOL! 

Gia is 21 weeks!

Just chill-axin' Mommy!

My Gia Bella!

I love my Bumbo chair!


Hi Mommy!

Jeej's profile, check out the cheek!!! 

Daddy and his girl!

Woo hoo! Gis is all done with her remedies (antibiotic) and she is doing fantastic!!! The Jeej is back to normal thank God!  She is talking like crazy, putting things in her mouth now including putting her dook (pacifier) in and out of her mouth by herself as well as her teething rings, grabbing at things, smiling all the time, and loves to be on her tummy! We believe she will be crawling very soon! My parents and I rearranged the living room to create more middle space and actually I like this set up much better, more airy.. now I am going to get the mat for Gia to play and crawl on. Gia loves touching different toys that make sounds and have differing textures as well. Time to look into the Baby Einstein videos for the Jeej! We also set up the pack and play which now she takes her naps in, she is sick of her swing LOL!  Gia's naps have decreased in time. She will sleep for 45 minutes to an hour maybe twice during the day and that is all. Thankfully, she is sleeping through the night still, but I see teething on the horizon... as she is drooling much more and putting her fist in her mouth!  Mommy and Gia are leaving tomorrow and  heading to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin for the weekend because Mommy has a short Fall break from school. Uncle Michael and cousin Mateo will be there too! Pictures to come....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

WE are coming home.. WE are bringing our baby home!!

Our love 

Grandma and the Jeej

Daddy and Gia

Weee Weeee!!!

I am posing for you mommy!

Grandpa and Gia

Daddy bought Gia this huge stuffed animal to bring home!

A very tired Grandpa and his Gia

The title is what I kept saying out loud when we got the GREAT news that we could bring Gia home this past Tuesday 9/20. It all started on Friday night 9/16.. Gia just did not seem herself. I thought she was just fussy as we can all get that way LOL. But, I took her temperature around 3pm and she had a fever of 101, I called her Dr. and they said to administer baby Tylenol every 4 hours and if the fever persists to call back and make an appt. for the next day. As time progressed the fever went away and she seemed very tired.  Around 8pm it was time for Gia to go to bed and have her last feeding. I started to hear her breathing getting taxed and she started to burn up again. Something was just not right. I took her to the ER, a series of tests were done and little one got admitted. We finally got roomed at 4:30 am in Pediatrics. Needless to say I was a mess inside, but had to be strong for the Jeej. Never was so scared in my life between all she had been through in the ER, chest x-ray, blood, IV put in for the anitbiotics , cathed her urine... just terrible. Gia had an ultrasound and she had a double kidney infection, more tests were run to make sure the infection did not get in her blood. The waiting was killing us. It seemed every 2 hours she was poked and prodded at. I would come home only to shower and quickly go back to the hospital. Finally, she was fever free for 48 hours. On Tuesday Gia had to get a cystogram to see if her urine was flowing back up to her kidneys or flowing down into the bladder and out as it should. Thankfully, everything was great with this test and when we got the results, that is when we got the green light to come home!!! I was flowing tears of joy as I was bringing my baby home!! It has taken me days to try to get back to normal myself, the mental and physical drain was nothing I ever experienced.

It is Sunday and Gia is doing great, her poop is still loose from the antibiotic but by no means as bad as it was from the iv antibiotics in the hospital and when we first brought her home. She is eating wonderfully and taking her remedies like a champ. Gia bella you are one tough cookie and we would move heaven and earth for you. There were many people praying for you, our love, and God listened to all the prayers. YOU ARE OUR EVERYTHING!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The JEEJ is 19 weeks!!!

Our bella, Gia and mommy!

Not another picture Mom, please!! Enough already!!
 Look at those chubby stems!!!

 The JEEJ!!

 Bella Bella!!!
Look at those cheeks, practically hanging on her bib LOL!

Our love.. look at that foot!!!


I love my seahorse!!  
Give me that rattle LOL!

Shake it Gia!!! Shake it!!! 

Our little love bug is rockin' the house!! Gia is doing so well!  New things that we have noticed... Gia is really reaching and grabbing for things that are put in front of her and sometimes not put in front of her LOL!! ... like mommy's hair!!  She loves anything with noises, so all the rattles and little stuffed toys have come out for all of us to play with haha!  Gia also has learned to roll over and now I find her in her crib on her tum tum... she continues to talk up a storm from laughing and giggling to high pitched screams. Gia is now eating a tablespoon of single grain oatmeal once a day and she seems to like it... she is learning to eat it from a spoon and she continues to put away anywhere from 5-8 oz of her formula. The JEEJ is definitely a mover and shaker.. hmm wonder where she got that from?? Sometimes it looks like she is breakdancing in her crib the way her legs are constantly going... Daddy Sal and I are in the process of choosing a Halloween costume for Gia... Daddy actually has the one he wants her to wear .. I am not giving any hints.... but it is ADORABLE!! Everyday that goes by we just do not have the words to describe the amount of love we have for our daughter, Gia you are our ultimate blessing...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Gia is 18 weeks today!!

Gia grasping purple monkey!

Pull on those rings baby girl!!

Our love

Look how big I have gotten!

Mommy.. really?!!!

Love cake!

Facia Bella!

Mommy's little love!

Clones.. Daddy Sal and his mini me, look at their ears' they are exactly the same!!

Hello.. Daddy's girl or what?!!! LOL!!

Gia is 18 weeks!! Going to her 4 month appt. today and she will be receiving 4 shots.. thank God Daddy Sal is coming too because I can't be in the room for those shots!!  We are anxious to hear her weight and length.. last time at 2 months she was 21and 3/4 inches and weighed 10 lbs 10 oz... so we will see today.. Gia is talking and making the cutest sounds even more and grabbing at things like crazy. We are noticing she is primarily sucking her left thumb and grabbing things with her left hand.. hmmm can we have a lefty on our hands like Uncle Michael and Grandpa!!? She is also drooling a lot, I have to change her bib often.. and boy she really can focus now on everything around her. She is sooooo alert!!  I am going to ask the Dr. today as well if it is ok to start integrating cereal.. the single rice and oatmeal. I will post today's appt. results tonight. Otherwise little one is doing great and developing quite the personality!!! WE LOVE YOU DOLLCAKE!!!!

Just got back from Gia's 4 month check. Her Dr. said she is doing great!! Gia is 24 inches long and weighs 14.12 oz . We got the green light on starting Gia on cereal and our little love got her 4 shots today and handled it like the little trooper she is!!! Next appt. is at the 6 month mark. YAY Jeej!!