Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gootz is 46 weeks!

Oh, the waving and Ma Ma Ma I love and we should just call our John John Mr. Giggles because that is all our precious boy does. God bless him.... he is so good at self feeding now and (Gia loves to feed him) and is now in a shopping cart and high chair like a big boy. He is so so good at restaurants.. just sits and laughs and eats his puffs.. one thing we have always said is how strong John is and it is getting to be more and more.. John's baptism is officially March 30th and we will celebrate his first birthday on that day as well considering his official first birthday is 4/3! First birthday with God and official first birthday = perfect!  Good things and very busy times ahead. We love you our precious gootzy!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

It's time....

 It has taken me well over 2 weeks to be able to do this post. As many of you already know my boy Igby Louis passed away on Thursday February 6th. The Friday before Jan 31st, I noticed Igby could not stand on his back legs before I went to bed. I thought maybe he was just stiff so I went to bed. I woke the next morning to the same thing. Sal took Igby to the vet, our normal Dr was not there that day and the one that was there as a relief was much to be desired. We called our Dr on his cell and he immediately returned the call and called in a steroid script and I made an appt. to bring Igby in on Monday Feb 3rd. My dad came with me. Dr. Remen said that he thought is was a neuro issue as Igby was no better and to do invasive testing and operations is not the best for a dog that is almost 10 as he may not make it through. Dr. Remen put Little Igby on 2 strong meds and said to call him everyday with status. We brought Little Igby to our bedroom so he would be more comfortable and spoon fed him and gave him water though a syringe as he could not get up to balance and eat on his own. We linde  his bed with pads and checked on him regularly if he went the bathroom... Everyday I prayed and stayed with Little Igby and told him to be strong.. I did not want to go to work and wanted to just be with him all the time. Wednesday came and I called Dr. Remen as there was no change. Dr. Remen then told me in the most gentle way as possible it was time. Needless to say my reaction. I did not want to go to bed on Wednesday night as I knew it was my last night with him. Thursday came and it was absolutely devastating to know that Sal and I were driving Little Igby to the vet for the last time. The finality.. no more hearing him, no more sitting with his mommy, no more prancing, no more anything.. the finality just killed me. I knew in my head it was the right thing to do, my heart no. I held him and held him and looked into my boy's eyes and let him know I was honored to have him as my boy and that he got me through the hardest time of my life, just me and little Igby. As, I looked one last time into my boy's eyes I said goodbye. Excrutiating...he is home now with us next to his brother Sonny. I know they are together now. My little Igby, now Jesus can really kiss you on the little white spot on your little apple head.  I have good days and bad days that's for sure. I miss him more than anything I have ever known, and he was such a gift to me, we had such a special bond starting with your birthday being the day after mine.  My Igby Louis, my peeshie, my threesh,  I will love you forever. The poem below says it all... 

You no longer greet me,
As I walk through the door. 
You're not there to make me smile,
To make me laugh anymore.
Life seems quiet without you,
You were far more than a pet.
You were a family member, a friend
. . . a loving soul I'll never forget.
It will take time to heal -
For the silence to go away.
I still listen for you,
And miss you every day.
You were such a great companion,
Constant, loyal and true.
My heart will always wear, 
the pawprints left by you.

Below are some pictures through the best years of my life with my boy. 

Igby's last 2 photos taken on Wednesday Feb. 5th

Igby Louis Mastropolo 8.29.04-2.6.14
I will always love you

Going for a bike ride...