Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Under my projector screen....

Today was the last day of school before we break for Thanksgiving. It was important to me to do a lesson on being grateful and being thankful. I found a wonderful article on 60 things to be grateful for and read them to my students and they received their own copy as well. After doing this, I then asked each student to tell the class, our 303 Family, what they are grateful for. It was just magnificent to hear really and truly, from their hearts', what they are each thankful and grateful for. I then passed out to my students thank you cards I wrote out to each of them, 50 in total, and each personalized, and yes it took me 2 days to do. I wanted them to all know how very special they all are to me and how much I am thankful to be part of their lives' and how I will always be there for them. In my period 3/4 block I had to leave the room to go to the office.. when I returned I noticed my projector screen was down and my students wanted me to pull it up and I did not want to because I knew what was under there. I started crying and it was super emotional yet again for all of us. This is truly a year that is going down in the record books of all my years teaching thus far. I can't begin to express how special and connected we all are to one another all 51 of us and that includes me. We are a family. Below are pictures of what the students wrote to me when I was out of the room under my projector screen.

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