Monday, May 2, 2011

Today's OB appt. and WEEK 36

Had a good OB appt. today now that I am going every Monday. Today I had done the Strep B test where the Dr. swabs the nether regions. I was a little nervous about this "swabbing" but it lasted a blink of an eye, did not feel a thing and I could not even believe it was completed! The reason this test is important is because if a woman delivers vaginally and she is a carrier for Strep B the baby can lose it's sight or hearing when passing through the vaginal canal. If the test is positive it requires about 6 hours of IV antibiotics once in the hospital.

I received information to read through pertaining to the epidural as well. My Dr. said Gia is about 6 lbs now, so she gained 1/2 pound from last week and her heart rate is strong. My blood pressure is fine. My Dr. noticed my feet and ankles are swollen now and he asked about my salt intake and I really do not add or eat extra salty things at all especially now. I am still drinking a ton of water, but this is something that naturally occurs at in this last leg of pregnancy. I will soak my ankles and feet in Epsom salts to bring down the swelling and my Dr. said swimming or wading in our pool will help too. I will try all of it.

My Dr. knew what happened last week and I told him the nurse at the hospital said I was 1 cm dilated and 80% of my lining is gone. He wanted to check least he was much more gentle and fast than the nurse at the hospital!! It is all true, he asked if I felt a lot of pressure and I said yes, and that is because Gia's head is ready in position. My Dr. also said I most likely will not go past my due date if I even make it to 5/31. He will check my cervix again next week to see if there are any changes. Gia continues to move and jump around, so all is good!

Daddy Sal thinks Gia will come on 5/31, she would share the same birthday with Grandpa Sal, but I feel she will be here sometime the week before... it is out of our hands whenever she is ready she is ready!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that everything went well!!! Gia is almost ready:-)
